NIH Conflicted Internally Over Vaccine Mandates

NIH Conflicted Internally Over Vaccine Mandates

Preliminary talk leading up to a live-streamed roundtable the National Institutes of Health has planned for December 1, 2021, indicates that the science isn’t settled within the agency itself when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 

According to The Wall Street Journal, a request for an ethics review by one of the NIH senior infectious disease researchers triggered the scheduling of four seminars on the issue, beginning with the December one.

“There’s a lot of debate within the NIH about whether [a vaccine mandate] is appropriate,” David Wendler, the senior NIH bioethicist who is in charge of planning the session, told The Wall Street Journal. “It’s an important, hot topic.”

One specialist who plans to argue against mandates is Dr. Matthew Memoli, who works with clinical studies in the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Memoli is not vaccinated for COVID-19. Memoli said his children have received their regular childhood vaccines  — he simply thinks “the way we are using the [COVID] vaccines is wrong” and that the COVID-19 vaccine mandates are “extraordinarily problematic.”

His views are concerning for people like Timothy Schacker, vice dean for research and infectious-disease physician at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Schacker believes that bypassing the vaccine and trusting natural infection to be enough to prevent a COVID case is “a terrible idea.”

Coincidentally, the person who signed off for the seminar is Christine Grady, wife of the NIAID’s director, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Wendler reports to her.


SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal November 7, 2021

Source: Source link

Publish Date: 2021-11-14 09:36:42